OK, so the bit on the other page where we said that we only print comics? That’s not strictly true… We *mainly* print comics, but we also print other things. Quite a lot of other things, actually. So, in fact, it’s not even vaguely true. We’re sorry to have misled you.
[Switches to first person singular to give you a bit of history]
Back in the early days of the site, I wanted it to just do comics. See, I had a couple of other sites that offered all sorts of other printing, and quite frankly I wanted something that was going to be just good fun to run, not hours and hours of staring at pizza flyers and corporate reports. At the time I didn’t know a lot about the shape of the small press industry in the UK – I was just a reader – but I assumed there’d be a couple of jobs every now and then as a bit of an aside to my normal day’s work. It… didn’t quite work out that way…
It turns out that people were quite keen on the service I was offering. Keen enough to tell their friends to check it out. Keen enough to keep coming back. Keen enough that today the majority of my working hours are dedicated to comics, not corporates. Thanks guys!
[End of history lesson]
Anyway, the thing about the way that the business has developed is that people are asking increasingly frequently if we print anything other than comics. Up until now the website has said “No. We don’t. Go away.” and that’s dumb, because we’ll print anything you think will help you develop your comics career (or point you in the right direction if we know someone who can do a better job of it – as in the case of badges and tees).
So, here is a partial list of things we print that aren’t comics:
- Posters & Prints
- Stickers
- Banners (both pop up and hanging types – fancy.)
- Bookmarks
- Flyers
- Business Cards
- Calendars
It’s an incomplete list, because a complete list would go on forever, but you get the idea. If you need anything printed as a part of your comicking life, give us a shout by email (heroes@comicprintinguk.com) or get in touch via the quick contact form.
Hi. I was wondering if you could give me a quote for 100, A5 portrait zines that are b/w with colour frontcovers. They are 12 pages long and would be staple bound together.
Best wishes
Certainly could! Will be with you in about ten minutes.
Hi there,
I was at MancsterCon Yesterday (29/08/15) and Adam Cadwell pointed me your way as a great printer of things. He said that there is another site which is more geared towards book printing. I was wondering if we could talk about quotes for a couple of potential projects we are working on.
Thanks and take care,
Hey Chris,
There’ll be an email in your account shortly!